Ancestry of
Constance Fenimore Woolson
Victorian Novelist and Poet
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1st Generation
1. Constance Fenimore Woolson (1840–1894)
2nd Generation
2. Charles Jarvis Woolson (1806–1869)
3. Hannah Cooper Pomeroy (1808–1879)
3rd Generation
4. Thomas Woolson (c1777–1837)
5. Hannah Chandler (c1779–1851)
6. George Pomeroy (c1779–1861)
7. Ann Cooper (c1784–1870)
4th Generation
8. Thomas Woolson (c1730–1823)
9. Joanna Dexter (1736–1824)
12. Quartus Pomeroy (1735–)
13. Rachel Pomeroy (1744/45–1826)
14. William Cooper (1754–1809)
15. Elizabeth Fenimore (c1752–1817)
5th Generation
16. Joseph Woolson (1699–1766)
17. Elizabeth Upham (1695–)
18. John Dexter (1703–p1773)
19. Joanna Green (1703–p1789)
24. Seth Pomeroy (1706–1777)
25. Mary Hunt (1705–1777)
26. Daniel Pomeroy (1709–1755)
27. Rachel Moseley (1715–1797)
28. James Cooper (c1729–c1795)
29. Hannah Hibbs (–1777)
30. Richard Fenimore (c1726–c1789)
31. Hannah Allen
6th Generation
32. Joseph Woolson (1677–1755)
33. Hannah ----- (c1680–1721)
34. Thomas Upham (c1668–1735)
35. Elizabeth Hovey (1671/72–1703/04)
36. Richard Dexter (1676–1747)
37. Sarah Bucknam (1680–1761)
38. Joseph Green
39. Hannah Green
48. Ebenezer Pomeroy (1669–1754)
49. Sarah King (1671–1747)
50. Jonathan Hunt
51. Mary Williams
52. Ebenezer Pomeroy (1669–1754) — Same as #48
53. Sarah King (1671–1747) — Same as #49
54. Joseph Moseley
55. Abigail -----
56. William Cooper (–c1736)
57. Mary Groome (–1772)
58. William Hibbs
59. Ann Carter
60. Joseph Fenimore (–c1759)
61. Hannah Burroughs (–a1729)
7th Generation
64. Thomas Woolson (c1626–c1713)
65. Sarah Hyde (1644–1721)
68. Phineas Upham (c1635–1676)
69. Ruth Wood (c1636–1696/97)
70. John Hovey (c1644–1718)
71. Dorcas Ivory (c1643–1711)
72. John Dexter (c1639–1677)
73. Sarah -----
74. Joses Bucknam (1641–1694)
75. Judith Worth (c1653–1736)
96. Medad Pomeroy (1638–1716)
97. Experience Woodward (1643–1686)
98. John King
99. Sarah Holton
104. Medad Pomeroy (1638–1716) — Same as #96
105. Experience Woodward (1643–1686) — Same as #97
106. John King — Same as #98
107. Sarah Holton — Same as #99
112. James Cooper (c1661–1732)
113. Hester Cooper (–c1706)
114. Thomas Groome (–c1736)
115. Elizabeth -----
120. Richard Fenimore (–c1713)
121. Mary Crook
122. Samuel Burroughs (–p1695)
123. Hannah -----
8th Generation
130. Samuel Hyde (c1610–1689)
131. Temperance ----- (–p1689)
136. John Upham (c1599–1681)
137. Elizabeth Slade (–c1671)
138. Edward Wood (1598–1642)
139. Ruth Lee (c1600–1642)
140. Daniel Hovey (1618–1692)
141. Abigail Andrews (c1623–c1683)
142. Luke Ivory (1605/06–c1679)
143. Elizabeth Hanbury
144. Richard Dexter (c1606–c1680)
145. Bridget ----- (c1612–c1675)
148. William Bucknam (c1602–c1679)
149. Sarah Knower (–p1678)
150. Lionel Worth (c1615/25–1667)
151. Susanna Whipple (1622–1692)
192. Eltweed Pomeroy (1585–1673)
193. Margery Rocket (–1655)
194. Henry Woodward (c1607–1683)
195. Elizabeth ----- (–1690)
198. William Holton (c1610–1691)
199. Mary ----- (–1691)
208. Eltweed Pomeroy (1585–1673) — Same as #192
209. Margery Rocket (–1655) — Same as #193
210. Henry Woodward (c1607–1683) — Same as #194
211. Elizabeth ----- (–1690) — Same as #195
214. William Holton (c1610–1691) — Same as #198
215. Mary ----- (–1691) — Same as #199
9th Generation
272. Richard Upham (–1635)
273. Maria ----- (–1634)
276. Lewis Wood (–1626)
277. Margaret Holmes (–1598)
280. Richard Hovey
282. Robert Andrews (c1593–c1644)
283. Elizabeth ----- (–1671)
284. William Ivory (c1563–c1619)
285. Susan ----- (–p1630)
286. Edward Hanbury
298. Thomas Knower
299. Mary -----
302. John Whipple (1596–1669)
303. Susanna Clarke (1595/96–p1661)
384. Richard Pomeroy
385. Eleanor -----
388. Thomas Woodward
389. Elizabeth Tynen
416. Richard Pomeroy — Same as #384
417. Eleanor ----- — Same as #385
420. Thomas Woodward — Same as #388
421. Elizabeth Tynen — Same as #389
10th Generation
568. Robert Ivory (c1525–c1658/1659)
569. Katherine ----- (–p1583)
604. Matthew Whipple (c1560–1618)
605. Joan ----- (–1612)
606. Stephen Clarke (1565/66–)
607. Elizabeth ----- (–a1607)
11th Generation
1136. Robert Ivory (c1500–c1547)
1137. Faith ----- (–p1547)
1212. Henry Clarke (c1530–c1575)
1213. Joan -----
12th Generation
2272. Robert Ivory (c1475–p1525)
2424. William Clarke (c1490–c1553)
2425. Joan -----