Ancestry of
George Winston
New Age Pianist
- 8th Great-grandmother of George Winston — 11th Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 1213
- Father:
- John Baxter
- Mother:
- Hannah White
- Birth Date:
- ABT 1661
- Birth Location:
- prob. Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- 4 Sep 1727
- Death Location:
- Holliston, Middlesex, Massachusetts
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
- Old South Cemetery, Sherborn, Middlesex, Massachusetts
- Spouse Name:
- Joseph Dyer
- Marriage Date:
- Marriage Location:
- Children:
Benjamin Dyer (Ahnentafel No:606 )
John Dyar
Hannah Baxter
View famous kin of Hannah Baxter
Additional marriages for Hannah Baxter
- Spouse:
- Joseph Morse
- Marriage Date:
- 17 May 1713
- Marriage Location:
- Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts
Scroll down to see sources.
Sources for Hannah Baxter
- 1 Early New England Families, 1641-1700, Joseph Morse (m. 1638), p. 5.
- 2 Early New England Families, 1641-1700, Thomas Dyer (m. 1641, 1670), p. 6.
- 3 Gravestone image at FindAGrave.com, (accessed 12/17/2014).
- 4 Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850, Weymouth, Vol. 2, p. 125, Marriage record for Joseph Morse and Hannah Dyer.
- 5 Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850, Weymouth, Vol. 1, p. 100, Birth record for son Benjamin Dyer.
- 6 Lainhart, Ann Smith and Robert S. Wakefield, ""Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 22, William Bradford, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (2004), 59.
- 7 Morse, J. Howard and Miss Emily W. Leavitt, comp., Morse Genealogy Comprising the Descendants of Samuel, Anthony, William and Joseph Morse and John Moss, Springfield, Massachusetts: Springfield Printing and Binding Company (1903), 22-23.
- 8 Morse, Rev. Abner, Memorial of the Morses: Containing the History of Seven Persons of the Name . . ., Boston: Published by William Veazie (1850), 40.
George Winston photo by PeoplesRepublicofWesternVirginia (CC BY-SA 4.0)