Ancestry of
Lettice Jenney
- 1st Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 1
- Father:
- Mark Jenney
- Mother:
- Elizabeth Barlow
- Birth Date:
- 8 Sep 1708
- Birth Location:
- Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- 6 Jan 1752
- Death Location:
- Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
- Notes:
Lettice Jenney's given name is also seen as Leteres.
Lettice Jenney
View famous kin of Lettice Jenney
Marriages for Lettice Jenney
- Spouse:
- Mary Robbins
- Marriage Date:
- 17 Nov 1743
- Marriage Location:
- Plympton, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Scroll down to see sources.
Sources for Lettice Jenney
- 1 Massachusetts: Vital Records, 1620-1850, Dartmouth, Vol. 1, p. 139, Birth record for daughter Mary Jenne.
- 2 White, Elizabeth Pearson, John Howland of the Mayflower, Vol. 3, Rockland, Maine: Picton Press (2008, 2nd printing 2011), 471-474.