Ancestry of
Oliver Platt
Movie Actor
- Grandmother of Oliver Platt — 3rd Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 5
- Father:
- Joseph Hodges Choate Jr.
- Mother:
- Cora Lyman Oliver
- Birth Date:
- 21 Nov 1906
- Birth Location:
- Manhattan, New York, New York
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- 21 Jun 1974
- Death Location:
- Mount Kisco, Westchester, New York
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
- Stockbridge Cemetery, Stockbridge, Berkshire, Massachusetts
- Spouse Name:
- Geoffrey Platt
- Marriage Date:
- 20 Dec 1932
- Marriage Location:
- Manhattan, New York, New York
- Child:
Nicholas Platt (Ahnentafel No:2 )
Helen Choate
View famous kin of Helen Choate
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Sources for Helen Choate
- 1 Gravestone image at FindAGrave.com, (accessed 07/12/2015).
- 2 New York, New York City Births, 1846-1909, Birth record for Helen Choate.
- 3 New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1829-1938, Marriage record for Geoffrey Platt and Helen Choats.
- 4 Platt, Charles, Jr., Platt Genealogy in America From the Arrival of Richard Platt in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1638, New Hope, Pennsylvania: Unknown (1963), 165.
- 5 Wikipedia, "Nicholas Platt", (accessed 05/13/2015).
Oliver Platt photo by Bridget Laudien (CC BY-SA 3.0)