Famous Kin of
Dana Carvey
Comedian, TV and Movie Actor
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John Adams
2nd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence
3rd cousin 8 times removed
via Samuel Bass
Elmer Underwood
Pioneers, Stereoscopic and News Photography
4th cousin 4 times removed
via John Kingsley
Bert Underwood
Pioneers, Stereoscopic and News Photography
4th cousin 4 times removed
via John Kingsley
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Maj. Gen. Francis C. Barlow
Union Army - U.S. Civil War
5th cousin 5 times removed
via Henry Neale
Benjamin Apthorp Gould
Founder of The Astronomical Journal
5th cousin 6 times removed
via William Sabin
John Wellborn Root
1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition Architect
6th cousin 5 times removed
via Francis Billington