Master Surname Index

William the Conqueror

Ancestry of
William the Conqueror

King of England

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1st Generation

1. William I, King of England (c1025–1087)

2nd Generation

2. Robert I of Normandy (c1004–1035)

3. Herleve of Falaise (c1003–c1050)

3rd Generation

4. Richard II of Normandy (c0975–1027)

5. Judith of Brittany (c0982–1017)

6. Fulbert of Falaise 

4th Generation

8. Richard I of Normandy (0933–0996)

9. Gunnora of Denmark (c0936–c1031)

10. Conan I of Brittany (–0992)

11. Ermengarde of Anjou (c0966–)

5th Generation

16. William I of Normandy (c0900–0942)

17. Sprota of Bretagn (c0911–)

20. Judicael Berengar 

22. Geoffroi I Grisegonelle (c0940–0987)

23. Adele of Troyes (c0950–p0974)

6th Generation

32. Rollo of Normandy (c0870–c0932)

33. Poppa of Bayeux (c0872–)

44. Fulk II of Anjou (–0958)

45. Gerberga of Maine 

46. Robert of Vermandois (c0910–0967)

47. Adelaide of Burgundy (c0920–p0967)

7th Generation

66. Berengar of Bayeux 

88. Fulk I of Anjou (c0870–0942)

92. Herbert II of Vermandois (c0885–0943)

93. Liegarde of France (c0895–p0931)

94. Gilbert of Burgundy (–0956)

95. Ermengarde of Autun 

8th Generation

176. Ingelger of Angers (–0888)

177. Resinde (Aelinde) D'Amboise 

184. Herbert I of Vermandois (c0845–c0907)

185. Bertha de Morvois 

186. Robert I, King of France (0866–0923)

187. Aelis ----- 

190. Richard of Burgundy (–0921)

191. Adelaide of Burgundy 

9th Generation

368. Pepin of Vermandois (c0817–p0840)

370. (probable) Guerri I of Morvois 

371. (probable) Eve of Roussillon 

372. Robert the Strong (0820–0866)

380. Bivin of Gorze (0810–0863)

382. Conrad II of Burgundy (0825–0881)

383. Ermentrude of Upper Alsace 

10th Generation

736. Bernard of Italy (0797–0818)

737. Cunegonde of Laon (–p0835)

744. Robert III of Worms (0800–0822)

745. Waldrada of Worms 

764. Conrad I of Burgundy (0800–0863)

765. Adelaide of Tours 

11th Generation

1472. Pepin, King of Italy (c0777–0810)

1474. Adelgis, Count of Parma 

1488. Robert of Hesbaye (0770–0807)

1530. Hugh of Tours 

12th Generation

2944. Charlemagne ----- (0747–0814)

2945. Hildegard of Vinzgouw (c0758–0783)

13th Generation

5888. Pepin the Short (c0714–0768)

5889. Berthe of Laon (–0783)

5890. Gerold of Vinzgouw 

5891. Emma of Alamannia 

14th Generation

11776. Charles Martel (c0688–0741)

11777. Rotrou of Trier (–c0724)

11782. Hnabi of Alamannia 

11783. Hereswind ----- 

15th Generation

23552. Pepin of Heristal (c0635–0714)

23553. Alpaida (Chalpaida) of Saxony (c0654–)

16th Generation

47104. Ansegisl ----- (c0602–c0692)

47105. Saint Begga (c0615–0693)

47106. Alberic de Austrasia 

47107. Adele de Poitiers 


This ahnentafel chart for William the Conqueror is currently limited to 16 generations

Pedigree charts and family group charts are not limited and will allow you to go beyond 16 generations.