Ancestry of
Ed Helms
TV and Movie Actor
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1st Generation
1. Edward Parker "Ed" Helms (1974–)
2nd Generation
2. John A. Helms (1935–2013)
3. Pamela Ann Parker (1938–)
3rd Generation
4. Nolan Helms (1892–1990)
5. Bettie Ellen Davis (1896–1968)
6. Fitzgerald Sale "Bud" Parker Jr. (1905–1994)
7. Frances Helen "Sally" Jackson (c1908–)
4th Generation
8. Joseph Edward Helms (1866–1958)
9. Emma R. Barrett (1866–1958)
10. John F. Davis (c1854–1920)
11. Mary R. "Mollie" Lawrence (1856–1909)
12. Fitzgerald Sale Parker (1863–1936)
13. Lucy Irvine Paxton (1873–1947)
14. George Pullen Jackson (c1875–)
15. Inez Emeline Wright (c1881–a1920)
5th Generation
16. Hosea Helms (1818–1893)
17. Sarah Hendrick (1829–1916)
22. James Munford Lawrence (c1832–1912)
23. Penelope A. Bozeman (c1835–c1900)
24. Linus Parker (1829–1885)
25. Ellen Katherine Burruss (c1839–1900)
26. William Gallatin Paxton (1838–1898)
27. Lucy Irvine Gibbs (1846–1924)
28. George H. Jackson (c1850–)
29. Anna Jane Pullen (c1853–)
30. Walter Harold Wright (1850–1928)
31. Ione Turner (1851–1918)
6th Generation
32. Andrew T. Helms (c1789–p1859)
46. Etheldred Pendleton Bozeman (c1798–c1872)
47. Jane Daniel (c1810–a1870)
48. John Parker (1788–1866)
49. Alvira Wadham (1797–1869)
50. John Crenshaw Burruss (1788–1863)
52. Alexander McNutt Paxton (1814–1886)
53. Mary Louisa Ellis (1818–1907)
55. Jane ----- (c1825–)
60. Robert W. Wright (1816–1885)
61. Laurine Louise Luke (c1816–1851)
62. Eugene S. Turner (1824–1915)
63. Frances H. E. Gove (c1829–1923)
7th Generation
64. Tilman Helms Jr. (c1762–)
92. Joseph Bozeman (1756–1821)
93. Elizabeth Pendleton (–c1832)
96. Eri Parker (1763–1831)
97. Joanna Stoddard (1769–1847)
98. Abraham Wadham (1756–1834)
99. Tryphena Collins (1757–1825)
104. Elisha Hays Paxton (c1785–1867)
105. Margaret McNutt (1792–1856)
120. Stephen Wright Jr. (1787–1857)
121. Abiah Richardson (c1784–1853)
124. Joseph Turner (c1794–1874)
125. Mary Griswold (c1796–1884)
126. Elijah Gove (c1801–c1884)
127. Emeline Wright (c1810–c1884)
8th Generation
128. Tilman Helms (c1716–c1800)
129. Rachel Craig (c1720–p1800)
130. Thomas Pressley (1730–p1808)
131. Sarah -----
184. Samuel Bozeman (c1730–c1795)
185. Ann Richardson (c1736–c1782)
194. John Stoddard (1730–1795)
195. Mary Atwood (c1733–1802)
196. Jonathan Wadham (1730–1812)
197. Judith Howe (1730–1813)
198. Cyprian Collins (1733–1809)
199. Azuba Gibbs (1734–1823)
208. William Paxton (c1733–1795)
209. Eleanor Hays (c1743–1815)
210. Alexander McNutt (1754–1812)
211. Rachael Grigsby (c1741–1810)
240. Stephen Wright (1764–1857)
241. Sarah Prescott (1765–1817)
250. Elihu Griswold (1756–1812)
251. Mary Wolcott (1756–p1833)
254. Stephen Wright Jr. (1787–1857) — Same as #120
255. Abiah Richardson (c1784–1853) — Same as #121
9th Generation
256. ----- Helms
260. Andreas "Andrew" Preslar (c1701–p1759)
261. Antje "Anne" Wells
388. Eliakim Stoddard (1705–c1750)
389. Joanna Curtis (1708–)
392. Noah Wadham (1695–c1783)
393. Anne Hurlbut (1701–)
394. Jeremiah Howe III (1704/05–)
395. Elizabeth Gaylord
396. Timothy Collins (1699–c1776)
397. Elizabeth Hyde (1703–)
416. John Paxton (c1692–)
417. Elizabeth Alexander (1694–1756)
418. David Hays (–c1776)
419. Isabella ----- (–p1775)
422. John Grigsby (c1720–1794)
423. Elizabeth Porter (1734–1807)
480. Peter Wright (1731–1770)
481. Elener Chase (1732–1810)
482. Timothy Prescott (1728–1808)
483. Lydia Fletcher (1733/34–1798)
500. Matthew Griswold Jr. (1717/18–a1776)
501. Elizabeth -----
502. Alexander Wolcott (1711/12–1795)
503. Mary Richards (c1724–1817)
508. Stephen Wright (1764–1857) — Same as #240
509. Sarah Prescott (1765–1817) — Same as #241
10th Generation
520. Valentine Preslar (c1669–p1732)
521. Anna Christian Framse (c1674–)
776. Anthony Stoddard (1678–1760)
777. Prudence Welles (c1682–1714)
778. John Curtis
779. Joanna Burr
784. John Wadham (1655–1718)
785. Hannah Bidwell (c1658–1696)
786. Nathan Hurlbut (1670–)
787. Mary Blinn
788. Jeremiah Howe Jr.
789. Judith Cook (1679–1708)
790. John Gaylord
791. Elizabeth Hickox
792. John Collins (c1665–1751)
793. Ann Leete (1671–1724)
794. Samuel Hyde Jr. (1665–1742)
795. Elizabeth Calkins (–p1742)
832. Samuel Paxton (c1670–c1745)
960. Joseph Wright
962. Nathan Chase (1701–1781)
963. Ruth Peaslee (c1703–1788)
964. Jonas Prescott (1701–1784)
965. Esther Spalding (1705–1730)
966. Gershom Fletcher (1712–1779)
967. Lydia Townsend
1000. Matthew Griswold (1686–c1737)
1001. Mary Phelps (1689–p1737)
1004. Roger Wolcott (1678–1767)
1005. Sarah Drake (1686–1747)
1006. George Richards
1007. Hester Hough (1695–)
1016. Peter Wright (1731–1770) — Same as #480
1017. Elener Chase (1732–1810) — Same as #481
1018. Timothy Prescott (1728–1808) — Same as #482
1019. Lydia Fletcher (1733/34–1798) — Same as #483
11th Generation
1552. Solomon Stoddard (c1643–1728/29)
1553. Esther Warham (1644–1736)
1554. Robert Welles (c1648–1714)
1555. Elizabeth Goodrich (c1658–1698)
1568. John Wadham (–a1676/77)
1569. Susannah ----- (–1683)
1570. John Bidwell (c1637–c1687)
1571. Sarah Wilcox (c1618–1690)
1572. Samuel Hurlbut (c1644–)
1573. Mary -----
1574. Peter Blinn
1576. Jeremiah Howe
1578. Samuel Cook (1641–1703)
1579. Hope Parker (1650–a1692)
1580. Joseph Gaylord (1649–a1713)
1581. Sarah Stanley
1584. John Collins Jr. (c1642–1704)
1585. Mary Trowbridge (–c1667)
1586. John Leete (c1639–1692)
1587. Mary Chittenden (c1647–1712)
1588. Samuel Hyde (c1637–1677)
1589. Jane Lee (1640–)
1590. John Calkins (c1634–1702/03)
1591. Sarah Royce (c1634–1711)
1924. Joseph Chase (1677–)
1925. Abigail Thurston (1678–)
1928. Jonas Prescott Jr. (1678–1750)
1929. Thankful Wheeler (1682–1716)
1930. Timothy Spalding (c1676–1763)
1931. Rebecca Winn (1679–1728)
1932. Joshua Fletcher (c1677–1732)
1933. Dorothy Hale (c1678–1770)
2000. Joseph Griswold (1647–c1716)
2001. Mary Gaylord (c1649–p1716)
2002. Joseph Phelps (1666–1716)
2003. Sarah Hosford (1666–p1716)
2008. Simon Wolcott (c1630–1687)
2009. Martha Pitkin (c1639–1719)
2010. Job Drake Jr. (1652–1711)
2011. Elizabeth Clark (1651–1729)
2012. John Richards Jr.
2013. Love Mainwaring
2014. John Hough (1655–1715)
2015. Sarah Post (1659–)
2032. Joseph Wright — Same as #960
2034. Nathan Chase (1701–1781) — Same as #962
2035. Ruth Peaslee (c1703–1788) — Same as #963
2036. Jonas Prescott (1701–1784) — Same as #964
2037. Esther Spalding (1705–1730) — Same as #965
2038. Gershom Fletcher (1712–1779) — Same as #966
2039. Lydia Townsend — Same as #967
12th Generation
3104. Anthony Stoddard (c1614–1686/87)
3105. Mary Downing (c1620–1647)
3106. John Warham (1595–1670)
3107. Jane ----- (–1655)
3108. John Welles (c1622–a1659)
3109. Elizabeth Bourne
3110. William Goodrich (1621/22–a1676)
3111. Sarah Marvin (1631–a1702)
3140. Richard Bidwell (–1647)
3142. John Wilcox (–1651)
3143. Mary ----- (–c1668)
3144. Thomas Hurlbut
3145. Sarah -----
3156. Henry Cook (c1614–1661)
3157. Judith Birdsall (c1618–1689)
3158. Edward Parker
3159. Elizabeth -----
3160. Walter Gaylord (c1626–1689)
3161. Mary Stebbins (c1629–1657)
3162. John Stanley Jr. (1624–1706)
3163. Sarah Scott (c1626–)
3168. John Collins (c1616–1670)
3169. Susanna -----
3172. William Leete (c1613–1683)
3173. Anna Payne (1621–1668)
3174. William Chittenden
3175. Joanna Sheafe
3176. William Hyde (–1681)
3178. Thomas Lee (c1615–c1641)
3179. Phoebe Brown (c1620–)
3180. Hugh Calkins (1603–c1690)
3181. Anne ----- (c1605–c1688)
3182. Robert Royce (–c1676)
3183. Mary ----- (c1609–c1696)
3848. Aquila Chase Jr. (1652–1720)
3849. Esther Bond (1655–p1720)
3856. Jonas Prescott (1648–1743)
3857. Mary Loker (1653–1735)
3858. John Wheeler (1642/43–1713)
3859. Sarah Larkin (1647–1727)
3860. John Spalding (1633–1721)
3861. Hannah Heald (1639–1689)
3862. Joseph Winn (–1714)
3863. Rebecca Read (1647–p1707/08)
3864. Joshua Fletcher (1648–1713)
3865. Grissies Jewell (–1682)
4000. Edward Griswold (c1607–c1691)
4001. Margaret ----- (c1609–1670)
4002. Samuel Gaylord (1619–1689)
4003. Elizabeth Hull (1625–)
4004. Timothy Phelps (1639–c1719)
4005. Mary Griswold (1644–p1717)
4006. John Hosford
4007. Phillipa Thrall
4016. Henry Wolcott (1578–1655)
4017. Elizabeth Saunders (1584–1655)
4018. William Pitkin Jr.
4019. Elizabeth -----
4020. Job Drake (1619–1689)
4021. Mary Wolcott (c1626–1689)
4022. Daniel Clark (c1622–1710)
4023. Mary Newberry (1626–1688)
4026. Oliver Mainwaring
4027. Hannah Raymond (1642/43–)
4028. William Hough (c1619–1683)
4029. Sarah Calkins (1627–)
4030. John Post (1629–1710)
4031. Hester Hyde (c1632–1703)
4068. Joseph Chase (1677–) — Same as #1924
4069. Abigail Thurston (1678–) — Same as #1925
4072. Jonas Prescott Jr. (1678–1750) — Same as #1928
4073. Thankful Wheeler (1682–1716) — Same as #1929
4074. Timothy Spalding (c1676–1763) — Same as #1930
4075. Rebecca Winn (1679–1728) — Same as #1931
4076. Joshua Fletcher (c1677–1732) — Same as #1932
4077. Dorothy Hale (c1678–1770) — Same as #1933
13th Generation
6210. Emanuel Downing (1585–c1660)
6211. Anne Ware
6212. Richard Warham
6213. Agnes Cook alias Howper
6216. Thomas Welles (c1590–1659)
6217. Alice Tomes (–a1646)
6220. John Goodrich
6221. Margery Howe
6222. Matthew Marvin (1600–c1680)
6223. Elizabeth ----- (c1604–a1647)
6284. John Wilcox (–p1651)
6314. Henry Birdsall (c1585–a1651)
6315. Agnes Kempe
6320. William Gaylord (c1590–1673)
6322. Edward Stebbins (1594/95–c1668)
6323. Frances Tough (–c1673)
6324. John Stanley (1598–a1634/35)
6325. Elizabeth Uredge (–1632)
6326. Thomas Scott (c1597–1643)
6327. Ann ----- (–1675)
6336. John Collins
6337. Abigail Rose
6344. John Leete (1575–c1648)
6345. Anne Shute (–p1649)
6346. John Payne (–1635)
6347. Anne -----
6360. Rowland Calkins
6361. Elen Payne
7696. Aquila Chase (c1618–1670)
7697. Ann Wheeler (c1621–1687)
7698. John Bond
7699. Esther Blakeley
7712. John Prescott (c1604–1681)
7713. Mary Gawkroger-Platts (1607–p1677)
7714. John Loker
7715. Mary Draper
7716. George Wheeler (c1606–c1687)
7717. Catherine ----- (c1610–1684/85)
7718. Edward Larkin (c1611–a1651/52)
7719. Joanna ----- (c1616–1685/86)
7720. Edward Spalding (1601–1669/70)
7721. Margaret Elliott (–1640)
7722. John Heald (c1606–1662)
7723. Eunice Blackburn
7724. Edward Winn (–1682)
7725. Joanna ----- (–1649)
7726. William Read (c1587–c1656)
7727. Mabel ----- (c1605–1690)
7728. William Fletcher (c1619–1677)
7729. Lydia ----- (c1620–1704)
8000. George Griswold
8004. William Gaylord (c1590–1673) — Same as #6320
8006. George Hull (c1589–p1658)
8007. Thomasine Mitchell (–a1654)
8008. William Phelps (c1593–1672)
8009. Anne Dover (–1689)
8010. Edward Griswold (c1607–c1691) — Same as #4000
8011. Margaret ----- (c1609–1670) — Same as #4001
8014. William Thrall (c1606–1679)
8015. Goode ----- (–1676)
8032. John Wolcott
8033. Joan -----
8034. Thomas Saunders (–1609)
8035. Ann Blake (c1552–p1609)
8036. William Pitkin
8040. John Drake (c1585–1659)
8041. Lettice Shakespeare (c1585–1623)
8042. Henry Wolcott (1578–1655) — Same as #4016
8043. Elizabeth Saunders (1584–1655) — Same as #4017
8046. Thomas Newberry (1594–c1636/1637)
8047. Joan Dabinott (–a1632)
8052. Oliver Mainwaring
8053. Prudence Ashe
8054. Richard Raymond (c1602–c1692)
8055. Judith -----
8056. Edward Hough
8058. Hugh Calkins (1603–c1690) — Same as #3180
8059. Anne ----- (c1605–c1688) — Same as #3181
8060. Stephen Post (1604–1659)
8061. Elinor Panton (–1670)
8062. William Hyde (–1681) — Same as #3176
8136. Aquila Chase Jr. (1652–1720) — Same as #3848
8137. Esther Bond (1655–p1720) — Same as #3849
8144. Jonas Prescott (1648–1743) — Same as #3856
8145. Mary Loker (1653–1735) — Same as #3857
8146. John Wheeler (1642/43–1713) — Same as #3858
8147. Sarah Larkin (1647–1727) — Same as #3859
8148. John Spalding (1633–1721) — Same as #3860
8149. Hannah Heald (1639–1689) — Same as #3861
8150. Joseph Winn (–1714) — Same as #3862
8151. Rebecca Read (1647–p1707/08) — Same as #3863
8152. Joshua Fletcher (1648–1713) — Same as #3864
8153. Grissies Jewell (–1682) — Same as #3865
14th Generation
12420. George Downing (c1556–c1611)
12421. ----- Bellamy (–1610)
12422. James Ware
12423. Mary Brydon
12432. Robert Welles (1540–c1619)
12433. Alice ----- (–p1615)
12434. John Tomes (–c1602)
12435. Agnes ----- (–p1602)
12440. John Goodrich (c1575–1632)
12441. Margery Howe ----- (–c1632)
12444. Edward Marvin (p1533–1615)
12445. Margaret ----- (–1633)
12644. William Stebbins
12646. Ralph Tough
12648. Robert Stanley (c1570–1605)
12688. Thomas Leete (–1618)
12689. Maria Slade (–1610)
12690. Robert Shute (–c1590)
12691. Thomasine Burgoyne
15394. John Wheeler (c1589–c1670)
15395. Agnes Yeoman (–1662)
15426. (probable) Abraham Gawkroger
15427. (probable) Martha Riley
15440. Edward Spalding
15441. Diana Mowling
15442. John Elliott
15456. Robert Fletcher (c1592–1677)
16012. Thomas Hull
16013. Joan Pyssing
16014. Robert Mitchell
16020. George Griswold — Same as #8000
16070. John Blake (c1522–1576)
16071. Joan ----- (–1595)
16084. John Wolcott — Same as #8032
16085. Joan ----- — Same as #8033
16086. Thomas Saunders (–1609) — Same as #8034
16087. Ann Blake (c1552–p1609) — Same as #8035
16092. Richard Newberry
16093. Grace Matthews
16094. Christopher Dabinott
16104. Oliver Mainwaring
16105. Margaret Torbock
16106. Henry Ashe
16107. Loveday Moyle
16116. Rowland Calkins — Same as #6360
16117. Elen Payne — Same as #6361
16120. Abraham Post (1566–1639)
16121. Ann Hurst (–1626)
16272. Aquila Chase (c1618–1670) — Same as #7696
16273. Ann Wheeler (c1621–1687) — Same as #7697
16274. John Bond — Same as #7698
16275. Esther Blakeley — Same as #7699
16288. John Prescott (c1604–1681) — Same as #7712
16289. Mary Gawkroger-Platts (1607–p1677) — Same as #7713
16290. John Loker — Same as #7714
16291. Mary Draper — Same as #7715
16292. George Wheeler (c1606–c1687) — Same as #7716
16293. Catherine ----- (c1610–1684/85) — Same as #7717
16294. Edward Larkin (c1611–a1651/52) — Same as #7718
16295. Joanna ----- (c1616–1685/86) — Same as #7719
16296. Edward Spalding (1601–1669/70) — Same as #7720
16297. Margaret Elliott (–1640) — Same as #7721
16298. John Heald (c1606–1662) — Same as #7722
16299. Eunice Blackburn — Same as #7723
16300. Edward Winn (–1682) — Same as #7724
16301. Joanna ----- (–1649) — Same as #7725
16302. William Read (c1587–c1656) — Same as #7726
16303. Mabel ----- (c1605–1690) — Same as #7727
16304. William Fletcher (c1619–1677) — Same as #7728
16305. Lydia ----- (c1620–1704) — Same as #7729
15th Generation
24840. George Downing (–c1564)
24841. Cicely ----- (–p1564)
24864. Thomas Welles (–1558)
24865. Elizabeth ----- (–1552)
24880. William Goodrich (c1545–1631)
24881. Margaret -----
24888. Reinold Marvin (p1512–c1561)
24889. Johan ----- (–p1554)
25292. Thomas Tough
25378. Edward Slade
25380. Christopher Shute
25382. Christopher Burgoyne
25383. Thomasine Freville
30788. Dominick Wheeler (c1568–c1615/1616)
30789. Mercy Jelly
32140. Humphrey Blake (c1494–1558)
32174. John Blake (c1522–1576) — Same as #16070
32175. Joan ----- (–1595) — Same as #16071
32184. William Newberry (–1596)
32185. Ellen ----- (–1609)
32210. William Torbock
32211. Catherine Gerard
32214. Richard Moyle
32215. Mary Kendall
32240. Thomas Post (c1525–1571)
32546. John Wheeler (c1589–c1670) — Same as #15394
32547. Agnes Yeoman (–1662) — Same as #15395
32578. (probable) Abraham Gawkroger — Same as #15426
32579. (probable) Martha Riley — Same as #15427
32592. Edward Spalding — Same as #15440
32593. Diana Mowling — Same as #15441
32594. John Elliott — Same as #15442
32608. Robert Fletcher (c1592–1677) — Same as #15456
16th Generation
49776. John Mervyn (c1480–c1533)
49777. Margaret ----- (–p1533)
50584. William Tough Jr.
50764. Thomas Burgoyne
50765. Elizabeth Staverton
50766. Robert Freville
50767. Rose -----
64348. Humphrey Blake (c1494–1558) — Same as #32140
64420. Thomas Torbock
64421. Elizabeth Moore
64422. Thomas Gerard
64423. Jane Legh
64430. Lawrence Kendall
64431. Katherine Munday
65092. Dominick Wheeler (c1568–c1615/1616) — Same as #30788
65093. Mercy Jelly — Same as #30789
This ahnentafel chart for Ed Helms is currently limited to 16 generations
Pedigree charts and family group charts are not limited and will allow you to go beyond 16 generations.
Ed Helms photo by Shana Fagan (CC BY 3.0)