Ancestry of
Marshall Field
Founder of Marshall Field & Co.
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1st Generation
1. Marshall Field (1834–1906)
2nd Generation
2. John Field Jr. (1796–1876)
3. Fidelia Nash (1806–1865)
3rd Generation
4. John Field
5. Lucy Look
6. Elijah Nash (1772–1855)
7. Paulina Warner (1771–1855)
4th Generation
12. John Nash (1736–1773)
13. Martha Graves (c1737–c1794)
14. Jonathan Warner (c1743–c1826)
15. Eglah Sheldon (c1746–c1828)
5th Generation
16. John Field Jr.
17. Sarah Coleman
24. Thomas Nash Jr. (1692/93–1773)
25. Martha Smith
26. Elnathan Graves (1699–1785)
27. Martha Dickinson (1701–1756)
30. Israel Sheldon (1715–1791)
31. Naomi Warner (c1719–c1751)
6th Generation
32. John Field
33. Mary Edwards (1649–)
48. Thomas Nash (c1661–c1728)
49. Hannah Coleman (1667–)
50. Joseph Smith
51. Canada Wait (1678/79–1749)
52. John Graves (c1664–c1746)
53. Sarah Banks (1668–p1718)
55. Hannah White
7th Generation
67. Sarah Baldwin
96. Timothy Nash (c1626–1699)
97. Rebecca Stone (c1636–c1709)
98. John Coleman
99. Hannah -----
102. Benjamin Wait (c1645–1704)
103. Martha Leonard (1649–)
104. Isaac Graves (1623/24–1677)
105. Mary Church (1632–c1695)
106. John Banks (c1631–1683)
107. Hannah Jenkins (c1645–1716)
108. Joseph Dickinson (1630–1675)
109. Phebe Bracey
8th Generation
134. Richard Baldwin (p1530–c1633)
135. Isabell ----- (–p1630)
192. Thomas Nash (–1658)
193. Margery Baker (–c1657)
194. Samuel Stone (1602–1663)
204. Thomas Wait (c1615–a1665)
205. Eleanor ----- (–c1677)
206. John Leonard (c1618–1676)
207. Sarah Heald (c1620–1711)
208. Thomas Graves (c1585–1662)
209. Sarah Scott (c1599–1666)
210. Richard Church (1610–1667)
211. Anna Marsh (c1601–1683/84)
214. Joel Jenkins (c1626–a1688)
215. Sarah Gilbert (c1624–p1663)
216. Nathaniel Dickinson (1601–1676)
217. Ann Bincks (1603/04–p1670/71)
218. Thomas Bracy
219. Phebe Bisby
9th Generation
268. Richard Baldwin (c1500–c1552/1553)
269. Ellen ----- (–c1565)
386. Nicholas Baker
387. Mary Hodgett
388. John Stone
389. ----- Rogers
418. Christopher Scott (c1570–c1640)
420. Richard Church
421. Alice -----
422. Edward Marsh
430. Thomas Gilbert
432. John Dickinson (1564–1637)
433. Elizabeth ----- (–1609)
434. William Bincks (c1557–1616)
435. Mary Baxter (–1607)
10th Generation
536. Robert Baldwin (c1475–c1536)
537. Agnes Dolte
864. Waters Dickinson (c1530–1591)
865. Alice ----- (–1596)
868. James Bincks (c1530–1566)
869. Agnes Musson (c1532–1613/14)
871. Mary ----- (–p1621)
11th Generation
1074. William Dolte
1728. ----- Dickinson
1738. Hugh Musson (c1500–1572)