Ancestry of
Mickey Rourke
Movie Actor
- 1st Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 1
- Father:
- Philip Andrew Rourke
- Mother:
- Annette Elizabeth Cameron
- Birth Date:
- 16 Sep 1952
- Birth Location:
- Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- Death Location:
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
- Notes:
aka Mickey Rourke
Movie Actor
Philip Andre "Mickey" Rourke Jr.
View famous kin of Philip Andre Rourke
Scroll down to see sources.
Sources for Philip Andre "Mickey" Rourke Jr.
- 1 Obituary for Philip A. Rourke (clipping from unknown newspaper).
- 2 Wikipedia, "Mickey Rourke", (accessed 07/03/2019).
Mickey Rourke photo by Anton Belickiy (CC BY 2.0)