Ancestry of
Micajah Sheppard Harriss
- Father of Micajah Sheppard Harriss — 2nd Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 2
- Father:
- Micajah Harriss
- Mother:
- Sarah Shepphard
- Birth Date:
- ABT 1780
- Birth Location:
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- ABT 1835
- Death Location:
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
- Spouse Name:
- Elizabeth Bookter
- Marriage Date:
- ABT 1806
- Marriage Location:
- prob. Clinton, East Feliciana, Louisiana
- Child:
Micajah Sheppard Harriss (Ahnentafel No:1 )
James Harriss
View famous kin of James Harriss
Additional marriages for James Harriss
- Spouse:
- - - - - - - Bell
Scroll down to see sources.
Sources for James Harriss
- 1 Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogical Research System, Ancestor #A051785.
- 2 O'Gorman, Ella Foy, Descendants of Virginia Calverts, Los Angeles, California: n. p. (1947), 522, 524.