Ancestry of
Sarah Brewster
- 1st Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 1
- Father:
- Love Brewster
- Mother:
- Sarah Collier
- Birth Date:
- ABT 1635
- Birth Location:
- Plymouth, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- AFT 5 Mar 1667/1668
- Death Location:
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
Sarah Brewster
View famous kin of Sarah Brewster
Marriages for Sarah Brewster
- Spouse:
- Benjamin Bartlett
- Marriage Date:
- AFT 4 Apr 1654
Scroll down to see sources.
Sources for Sarah Brewster
- 1 Lainhart, Ann Smith and Robert S. Wakefield, ""Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 22, William Bradford, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (2004), 13.
- 2 Merrick, Barbara Lambert, comp., Mayflower Families in Progress: William Brewster of the Mayflower and His Descendants for Four Generations, 3rd edition, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (2000), 14.
- 3 Roberts, Gary Boyd, Notable Kin, Volume 1, Santa Clarita, California: Carl Boyer, 3rd (1998), 183.
- 4 Roberts, Gary Boyd, The Mayflower 500: Five Hundred Notable Descendants of the Founding Families on the Mayflower, Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society (2020), 40, 130, 158, 174, 190-191, 221, 226, 410, 541-542, 578, 685, 729, 741, 757, 794.
- 5 Sherman, Robert Moody et. al., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 15, James Chilton-Richard More, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (2013), 110-111.
- 6 Wakefield, Robert S. and Judith H. Swan, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 18, Part 1, Richard Warren
, 11-12.
- 7 Wakefield, Robert S., ed., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 20, Part 1, Henry Samson, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (2000), 9.
- 8 Williams, Alicia Crane, ed., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 16, Part 1, Family of John Alden, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (1999), 69, 74, 112.
- 9 Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Vol. 16, Part 2, John Alden, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants (2002), 386.