Ancestry of King
Henry VIII
King of England
- 5th Great-grandmother of Henry VIII — 8th Generation
- Ahnentafel No:
- 201
- Father:
- William de Montagu
- Mother:
- Katherine de Grandison
- Birth Date:
- Birth Location:
- Christening Date:
- Christening Location:
- Death Date:
- Death Location:
- Burial Date:
- Burial Location:
- Spouse Name:
- Roger de Mortimer
- Marriage Date:
- Marriage Location:
- Child:
Edmund Mortimer (Ahnentafel No:100 )
- Notes:
Philippa Montagu's maiden name is also seen as Montacute.
Philippa de Montagu
View famous kin of Philippa de Montagu
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Sources for Philippa de Montagu
- 1 Richardson, Douglas, Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families
, Salt Lake City, Utah: Douglas Richardson (2013), Vol. IV, pp. 117-118.
- 2 Wikipedia, "Roger Mortimer, 2nd Earl of March", _2nd_Earl_of_March, (accessed 02/23/2010).
- 1 Richardson, Douglas, Royal Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families