Master Surname Index

Judy Garland

Ancestry of
Judy Garland

Singer and Movie Actress

Surname Index for
Judy Garland

Aetheling, Alamannia, Altorf, Angers, Angus, Anjou, Aquitaine, Arles, Arles and Tuscany, Arnulf, Austrasia, Autun, Avenal, Babenberg, Bamburgh, Bar-sur-Aube, Bar-sur-Seine, Barcelona, Barner, Batte, Baugh, Bavaria, Bayeux, Beauchamp, Beaumont, Begga, Berengar, Berkeley, Bernicia, Bidgau, Bigod, Billung, Bolingbroke, Boulogne, Bretagn, Brewes, Brionne, Briosne, Briquessart, Brittany, Brun, Bulmer, Burgundy, Capet, Carlisle and Allendale, Casselman, Chateau-Porcien, Chaworth, Chester, Chiny, Comyn, Constable, Crepon, Crispin, D'Amboise, d'Aubeney, De Warenne, Denmark, Dover, Dunbar, Durham, England, Falaise, Fitz Ralph, FitzAkaris, Fitzalan, FitzBardolph, Fitzgilbert, FitzGilbert (the Marshal), FitzHamon, FitzHenry, FitzHervey, FitzHugh, FitzNess, Fitzpatrick, FitzPiers, FitzRalph, FitzRandolph, Fitzrichard, FitzRobert, FitzRoy, FitzWalter, Flaitel, Flanders, Fleming, Fowler, France, Furnival, Gael, Gale, Galloway, Galloway (Galweia), Gant, Gernons, Giffard, Gloucester, Gorze, Goz, Grantmesnil, Gras, Gray, Greasley, Great, Grey, Grisegonelle, Guelders, Gum, Gumm, Hainault, Hainaut, Harriott, Harwell, Haspengau, Haye, Heristal, Hesbaye, Holland, Hunstanton, Huntingdon, I'Isle, Iorwerth, Ironside, Italy, Kelso, Kent, Kevelioc, Kiev, L'Espec, Lancaster, Laon, Lens, Lombardy, Longespee, Lorraine, Lothair II, Lotharingia, Lounds, Louvain, Lovie, Lower Lorraine, Lucy, Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Maasgau, Maine, Mallory, Man and the Isles, Mandeville, Manzer, Marable, Marmion, Martel, Mercia, Meschin, Metz, Meulan, Milne, Montfort, Montgomerie, Montlhery, Moray, Mortimer, Morville, Morvois, Mucil, Namur, Nantes, Newsham, Nordgau, Normandy, Northumberland, Northumbria, Norton, Obotrites, Oddingseles, Odingsells, Old, Olofsdotter, Orleans, Orthen, Paris, Parma, Parry, Paynel (Paganel), Paynell, Perry, Pious, Plaiz, Plantagenet, Poitiers, Presfen, Provence, Quincy, Ranulf, Ravensworth, Rethel, Ringelheim, Roddam, Ros, Ross, Roussillon, Salisbury, Saluzzo, Saxony, Schweinfurt, Scotland, Scrope, Segersall, Semur-en-Auxois, Sheppey, Short, Skotkonung, Somery, St. Hilary, St. Liz, St. Quintin, Strange, Stratton, Strong, Stubenskorn, Svyatoslavich, Talvas, Thwaites, Tony, Tosny, Tours, Tregoz, Trier, Troyes, Trusbut, Tuscany, Tynedale, Umfreville, Unready, Upper Alsace, Valoines, Valois, Vaughan, Verdun, Vermandois, Vetulis, Viennois, Vinzgouw, Vitre, Wade, Wales, Walton, Warenne, Watson, Wessex, Westphalia, Willoughby, Wiltshire, Wise, Wood, Worms