Ancestry of
Halle Berry
TV and Movie Actress
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1st Generation
1. Maria Halle Berry (1966–)
2nd Generation
2. Jerome Jesse Berry (1934–2003)
3. Judith Ann Hawkins (c1939–)
3rd Generation
4. Robert Berry
5. Cora Lee Powell (1915–2004)
6. Earl Ellsworth Hawkins (c1909–1981)
7. Nellie Dicken (1911–1991)
4th Generation
10. Adam Powell (c1873–a1964)
11. Charity Munford (c1891–1964)
12. Eugene Allen Hawkins (1881–1949)
13. Bessie C. Spaulding (1883–1946)
14. Henry Dicken (1883–1973)
15. Ada B. White (1885–1972)
5th Generation
24. John William Hawkins (1838–1903)
25. Catherina "Katie" Drescher (1850–1925)
26. Ellsworth Warren Spaulding (1861–1939)
27. Agnes L. "Aggie" Johnson (1862–1913)
28. Robert Dicken
30. John White (c1862–)
31. Maria ----- (c1861–)
6th Generation
50. Joannis "John" Drescher (1810–1880)
51. Christiana Schenk (c1811–)
52. Warren Abel Spaulding (c1827–1908)
53. Martha A. Kelley (1824–1910)
54. Thomas Johnson (1826–1911)
55. Nancy Maria Lang (1828–1915)
7th Generation
100. Joannis Drescher
101. Catharina Herbst
102. Joannis Schenk
103. Elisabetha Leister
104. Abel Spaulding (1790–1876)
105. Eliza Felton (1806–1887)
106. Richard Kelley (c1789–1871)
107. Susan Gage Peabody (1797–1878)
108. William Johnson
109. Ann Ayers
110. William Lang (1797–1895)
111. Abrillia Swearingen (c1801–p1836)
8th Generation
208. Abel Spaulding
209. Deborah Clark (1765–)
210. John Felton (1772–1822)
211. Olive Piper (1773–c1842)
214. Andrew Peabody (1760–1839)
215. Hannah Beadle (c1777–1842)
220. Bickford Lang (1774–1861)
221. Abigail D. Locke (1778–1862)
9th Generation
418. Hugh Clark (c1734–)
419. Lydia Gardner
420. Archelaus Felton (1740–1825)
421. Elizabeth Hunter (1745–1774)
422. Samuel Piper (1749–)
423. Olive Adams (1749–)
428. Daniel Peabody (1728–1801)
429. Phebe Foster (1729–)
440. Bickford Lang (c1738–c1804)
441. Martha Locke (1742–1831)
442. David Locke (1735–1810)
443. Anna Lovering (1739–1807)
10th Generation
836. Peter Clark (1693–1768)
837. Deborah Hobart (c1702–1765)
840. Jonathan Felton (1691–p1761)
841. Rebecca Needham
842. Edward Hunter (c1716–a1797)
843. Tabitha -----
844. Josiah Piper (1708–)
845. Sarah -----
846. John Adams
847. Mercy -----
856. Francis Peabody (1694–1769)
857. Dorothy Perkins (c1695–1771)
858. Andrew Foster (1696–1762)
859. Mary Smith (c1698–1757)
880. John Lang (a1700–c1774)
881. Sarah Bickford (c1705–c1801)
882. Elijah Locke (c1714–c1782)
883. Huldah Perkins (1718–p1758)
884. Jonathan Locke (1702–1774)
885. Sarah Haines (1705–1753)
886. John Lovering
11th Generation
1672. Uriah Clark (1644–1721)
1673. Mary Tuells (1756–)
1674. Peter Hobart (c1674–1751)
1675. Deborah Hayward (c1678–1759)
1680. Nathaniel Felton (1655–c1733/1734)
1681. Ann Horne (1656/57–p1731)
1682. Anthony Needham (1663–c1758)
1683. Mary Swinnerton (1670–)
1688. Jonathan Piper (c1672–1752)
1689. Alice Darby (–1758)
1712. Isaac Peabody (c1652–c1727)
1713. Sarah -----
1714. Abraham Perkins (c1640–c1722)
1715. Hannah Beamsley (c1643–c1732)
1716. Abraham Foster (c1648–1723)
1717. Esther Foster (–1733/34)
1760. John Lang
1761. Grace Brooking (–a1725)
1764. William Locke (1677–1768)
1765. Hannah Knowles (1678–1769)
1766. James Perkins (1695–1774)
1767. Huldah Robie (c1693–1774)
1768. William Locke (1677–1768) — Same as #1764
1769. Hannah Knowles (1678–1769) — Same as #1765
1770. William Haines
1771. Mary Lewis
12th Generation
3344. Hugh Clark (c1613–1693)
3345. Elizabeth ----- (–1692)
3346. Richard Tuells
3347. Martha -----
3348. (probable) Caleb Hobart (c1622–1711)
3349. (probable) Mary Eliot (–1675)
3360. Nathaniel Felton (1615–1705)
3361. Mary Skelton (1627–1701)
3362. John Horne (c1602–c1684)
3363. Frances Stone (1618/19–p1656)
3364. Anthony Needham (c1628–)
3365. Ann Potter
3366. Job Swinnerton (c1630–1700)
3367. Ruth Symonds (c1638–1670)
3376. Nathaniel Piper (c1630–p1675/76)
3377. Sarah ----- (–p1675/76)
3424. Francis Peabody (c1613–1697/98)
3425. Mary Foster (–1705)
3428. John Perkins (1609–1686)
3429. Elizabeth ----- (–1684)
3430. William Beamsley (c1607–1658)
3431. Ann -----
3432. Andrew Foster (c1580–1685)
3433. Ann ----- (–1692)
3434. Samuel Foster
3528. John Locke (c1644–1696)
3529. Elizabeth Berry (–p1707)
3530. John Knowles (c1640–1705)
3531. Jemima Austin (1641–)
3532. Humphrey Perkins (1661–1712)
3533. Martha Moulton (1666–)
3536. John Locke (c1644–1696) — Same as #3528
3537. Elizabeth Berry (–p1707) — Same as #3529
3538. John Knowles (c1640–1705) — Same as #3530
3539. Jemima Austin (1641–) — Same as #3531
13th Generation
6696. Thomas Hobart (1605/06–)
6697. Anne Plomer
6698. Francis Eliot (1615–1677)
6699. Mary Saunders (1619–1696/97)
6720. John Felton (–1626/27)
6721. Ellen Thrower (1588–)
6722. Samuel Skelton (1592/93–1634)
6723. Susanna Travis (1597–1630/31)
6726. Simon Stone (1585/86–1665)
6727. Joane Clark (c1599–)
6730. Humphrey Potter (–1641)
6732. Job Swinnerton
6733. Elizabeth -----
6734. John Symonds (–c1671)
6735. Elizabeth ----- (–p1671)
6850. Reginald Foster (c1595–c1681)
6851. Judith Wignol (–1664)
6856. John Perkins (1583–c1654)
6857. Judith Gater (1588/89–p1654)
7056. (probable) Thomas Lock
7057. (probable) Christian -----
7058. William Berry (–a1654)
7059. Jane ----- (c1619–p1685)
7062. Francis Austin (–a1642)
7063. Isabel Bland (c1612–1698/99)
7064. Abraham Perkins (c1611–1683)
7065. Mary ----- (c1618–1706)
7066. John Moulton (1638–)
7067. Lydia Taylor (c1646–c1729)
7072. (probable) Thomas Lock — Same as #7056
7073. (probable) Christian ----- — Same as #7057
7074. William Berry (–a1654) — Same as #7058
7075. Jane ----- (c1619–p1685) — Same as #7059
7078. Francis Austin (–a1642) — Same as #7062
7079. Isabel Bland (c1612–1698/99) — Same as #7063
14th Generation
13392. Edmund Hobart (c1575–1646/47)
13393. Margaret Dewey (c1575–a1634)
13396. Bennett Eliot (p1552–)
13397. Lettice Alger (–1620/21)
13398. Martin Saunders (c1595–1658)
13399. Rachel ----- (–1651)
13440. John Felton
13441. Judith -----
13442. John Thrower
13443. Margaret -----
13444. William Skelton
13446. William Travis
13452. David Stone (c1540–p1597)
13453. Ursula -----
13712. Henry Perkins
13713. Elizabeth Sawbridge
13714. Michael Gater
13715. Isabel Baylie
14126. John Bland (–p1663)
14127. Joanna ----- (–p1663)
14128. Isaac Perkins (1571–a1639)
14129. Alice ----- (–p1639)
14132. John Moulton (c1599–c1650)
14133. Anne Greene (c1599–1668)
14134. Anthony Taylor
14158. John Bland (–p1663) — Same as #14126
14159. Joanna ----- (–p1663) — Same as #14127
15th Generation
26792. Simon Eliot (c1520–a1562)
26793. Jane -----
26794. Francis Alger
26795. Lettice Peacock
26904. Simon Stone (c1507–c1557)
26905. Agnes -----
27424. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92)
27425. Alice -----
28256. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92) — Same as #27424
28257. Alice ----- — Same as #27425
16th Generation
53584. Thomas Eliot (c1480–c1554)
53585. Margaret -----
This ahnentafel chart for Halle Berry is currently limited to 16 generations
Pedigree charts and family group charts are not limited and will allow you to go beyond 16 generations.