Ancestry of
Alan Shepard
Mercury and Apollo Astronaut
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1st Generation
1. Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. (1923–1998)
2nd Generation
2. Alan Bartlett Shepard (1891–1973)
3. Pauline Renza Emerson (1900–1993)
3rd Generation
4. Frederick Johnson Shepard (1851–1931)
5. Annie Elizabeth Bartlett (1861–1944)
6. Charles Stillman Emerson Jr. (1868–1939)
7. (Flora) Belle Winslow (1868–1960)
4th Generation
8. William Henry Shepard (1816–1893)
9. Rosina E. Johnson (1817–1886)
10. Thomas Bradbury Bartlett (1826–1905)
11. Victoria Elizabeth Williams Cilley (c1832–)
12. Charles Stillman Emerson (1829–1894)
13. Hannah Maria Emmons (1837–1932)
5th Generation
16. William Blair Shepard (1779–1867)
17. Lucy Hart Beck (1782–1862)
18. Abner R. Johnson Jr. (1783–1872)
19. Mary Quimby
20. Bradbury Bartlett (1783–1869)
21. Mary True (1787–1862)
22. Joseph Cilley (1791–1887)
24. Abraham Emerson (1799–1850)
25. Mary Benley Eaton (1805–1877)
26. Dimon T. Emmons (1808–1876)
27. Jerusha M. Davis (c1813–1841)
6th Generation
32. Jacob Shepard (c1751–1830)
33. Jane Blair (c1756–1835)
34. John Beck
35. Abigail Slade
36. Abner Johnson (1759–)
37. Anna Delano (1760–)
40. Thomas Bartlett (1745–1805)
41. Sarah Cilley (1757–1833)
42. Benjamin True (1760–1806)
43. Mary Batchelder (1761–c1816)
44. Greenleaf Cilley (1767–1808)
45. Jennie Nealley (1772–1866)
47. Anna Cilley
48. Elias Emerson (1759–1835)
49. Phebe Hayward (c1768–1840)
50. Lilley Eaton Jr. (1768–1822)
51. Eunice Evans (c1781–c1866)
52. Samuel Emmons (c1765–1833)
53. Mary Taylor (c1774–1867)
7th Generation
64. John Shepard Jr. (c1700–p1765)
65. Ellinor Ellison (–p1765)
66. William Blair
72. David Johnson (1716–)
73. Rebecca Foote
74. Sylvanus Delano (1720–1796)
75. Elizabeth Abbott (1721–1782)
80. Israel Bartlett (1712–1754)
81. Love Hall (1716–)
82. Joseph Cilley Jr. (1734–1799)
83. Sarah Longfellow (1739–1811)
84. Abraham True (1721–1812)
85. Sarah French (c1725–c1817)
86. Nathaniel Batchelder (1732–1778)
87. Mary Longfellow (1735–c1774)
88. Joseph Cilley Jr. (1734–1799) — Same as #82
89. Sarah Longfellow (1739–1811) — Same as #83
94. Joseph Cilley Jr. (1734–1799) — Same as #82
95. Sarah Longfellow (1739–1811) — Same as #83
96. Joseph Emerson (1721–1803)
97. Phebe Upton (c1729–1811)
100. Lilley Eaton (1738–1812)
101. Sarah Emerson (1740/41–1821)
102. Thomas Evans
103. Rebecca Smith
106. Joseph Taylor
107. Hannah -----
8th Generation
144. John Johnson (1679–1755)
145. Mary Ramsey
146. Ephraim Foote (1685–1765)
147. Sarah Chamberlain (1693–1777)
148. Jonathan Delano Jr. (1680–1752)
149. Amy Hatch (1687–1762)
150. John Abbott
151. Elizabeth Berge
160. Thomas Bartlett
161. Sarah Webster
162. Joseph Hall Jr. (c1682–1767)
163. Mary Lyford (c1682–1755)
164. Joseph Cilley
165. Alice Rawlins
166. Jonathan Longfellow (–1777)
167. Mary Clark
168. Benjamin True
169. Judith Morrill
172. Stephen Batchelder (1701–)
173. Jane Lamprey (c1699–)
174. Jonathan Longfellow (–1777) — Same as #166
175. Mary Clark — Same as #167
176. Joseph Cilley — Same as #164
177. Alice Rawlins — Same as #165
178. Jonathan Longfellow (–1777) — Same as #166
179. Mary Clark — Same as #167
188. Joseph Cilley — Same as #164
189. Alice Rawlins — Same as #165
190. Jonathan Longfellow (–1777) — Same as #166
191. Mary Clark — Same as #167
192. Ebenezer Emerson (c1677–c1751)
193. Mary Boutwell (c1685–1737)
202. Brown Emerson (1703/04–1774)
203. Sarah Townsend (c1705–1776)
206. Ebenezer Smith
207. Hepzibah Damon
9th Generation
288. Humphrey Johnson (1620–1693)
289. Abigail Stansfield (1638–p1713)
292. Nathaniel Foote (1647–1703)
293. Margaret Bliss (1649–1745)
294. Joseph Chamberlain (c1665–1752)
295. Mercy Dickinson (c1668–1735)
296. Jonathan Delano (c1648–1720)
297. Mercy Warren (1657–p1727)
298. Joseph Hatch (1654–1735/36)
299. Amy Allen (1663–1709/10)
324. Joseph Hall
325. Jane Hilton
326. Francis Lyford (c1645–c1724)
327. Rebecca Dudley (c1658–p1723)
328. Thomas Cilley
329. Anne Stanyan
336. William True
337. Eleanor Stevens
344. Stephen Batchelder (1675–1748)
345. Mary Deaborn (1678–)
346. Benjamin Lamprey
352. Thomas Cilley — Same as #328
353. Anne Stanyan — Same as #329
376. Thomas Cilley — Same as #328
377. Anne Stanyan — Same as #329
384. Joseph Emerson (1620–1679/80)
385. Elizabeth Bulkeley (c1638–1693)
404. Peter Emerson (c1673–1750/51)
405. Anna Brown (c1678–1740)
412. Benjamin Smith (c1692–)
413. Elizabeth Burnap (1694–)
10th Generation
576. John Johnson (c1588–1659)
577. Mary Heath (1593/94–1629)
578. Gideon Stansfield (–1658)
579. Grace Eastwood (–1682)
584. Nathaniel Foote Jr. (1619/20–c1655)
585. Elizabeth Smith (1626/27–p1701/02)
586. Nathaniel Bliss (1622–1654)
587. Catherine Chapin (1626–1712/13)
588. William Chamberlain (–1678)
589. Sarah Jones
590. John Dickinson (1624–1676)
591. Frances Foote (c1629–)
592. Philip Delano (1603–c1681/1682)
593. Hester Dewsbury (–a1653)
594. Nathaniel Warren (c1624–c1667)
595. Sarah Walker (–1700)
596. Jonathan Hatch (c1621–c1710/1711)
597. Sarah Rowley (c1630–)
598. James Allen (c1636–1714)
599. Elizabeth Partridge (c1643–1722)
650. Edward Hilton (c1629–1699)
651. Anne Dudley (1641–c1713)
652. John Lyford
653. Ann -----
654. Samuel Dudley (1608–a1682/83)
655. Elizabeth ----- (c1627–p1702)
658. John Stanyan (1642–)
659. Mary Bradbury (1642/43–)
672. Henry True Jr.
673. Jane Bradbury (1645–)
688. Nathaniel Bachiler Jr. (c1629–1709)
689. Deborah Smith (–1675/76)
690. John Deaborn
706. John Stanyan (1642–) — Same as #658
707. Mary Bradbury (1642/43–) — Same as #659
754. John Stanyan (1642–) — Same as #658
755. Mary Bradbury (1642/43–) — Same as #659
768. Thomas Emerson (1584–1666)
769. Elizabeth Brewster (–p1666)
770. Edward Bulkeley (1614–1695/96)
771. Lucian ----- (–p1678/79)
808. Joseph Emerson (1620–1679/80) — Same as #384
809. Elizabeth Bulkeley (c1638–1693) — Same as #385
810. John Brown (c1634–1717)
824. Francis Smith (1658–1744)
825. Ruth Maverick (c1654–1717)
826. Thomas Burnap (1664/65–1726)
827. Sarah Walton (c1665–1731)
11th Generation
1154. William Heath (c1550/55–)
1155. Agnes Cheney (c1560–)
1168. Nathaniel Foote (c1592–c1644)
1169. Elizabeth Deming (c1595–1683)
1170. Samuel Smith (c1602–c1680/1681)
1171. Elizabeth Smith (c1602–1686)
1172. Thomas Bliss (c1590–a1650/51)
1173. Margaret Hulins (c1601–1684)
1174. Samuel Chapin (1598–1675)
1175. Cicely Penney (1601–1682/83)
1176. Henry Chamberlain (–1674)
1177. Joan ----- (–a1686)
1178. Thomas Jones
1180. Nathaniel Dickinson (1601–1676)
1181. Ann Bincks (1603/04–p1670/71)
1182. Nathaniel Foote (c1592–c1644) — Same as #1168
1183. Elizabeth Deming (c1595–1683) — Same as #1169
1184. Jean de Lannoy (c1570–a1605)
1185. Marie Mahieu
1188. Richard Warren (c1578–1628)
1189. Elizabeth Walker (1583–1673)
1190. John Walker
1191. Joyce Clark (1608–)
1192. Thomas Hatch (c1596–a1661)
1193. Grace ----- (–c1662/1663)
1194. Henry Rowley (c1605–c1673)
1195. ----- Palmer (–a1633)
1196. Samuel Allen (c1612–1669)
1197. Anne ----- (–1641)
1198. George Partridge (c1613–c1695)
1199. Sarah Tracy (c1623–c1708)
1300. Edward Hilton (1596–c1670/1671)
1302. Samuel Dudley (1608–a1682/83) — Same as #654
1303. Mary Winthrop (1611/12–1643)
1308. Thomas Dudley (1576–1653)
1309. Dorothy York (–1643)
1316. Anthony Stanyan (c1608–a1688)
1317. Mary -----
1318. Thomas Bradbury (1610/11–1694/95)
1319. Mary Perkins (1615–1700)
1346. Thomas Bradbury (1610/11–1694/95) — Same as #1318
1347. Mary Perkins (1615–1700) — Same as #1319
1376. Nathaniel Bachiler (c1590–c1645)
1377. Hester Mercer (1602–c1630)
1378. John Smith
1412. Anthony Stanyan (c1608–a1688) — Same as #1316
1413. Mary ----- — Same as #1317
1414. Thomas Bradbury (1610/11–1694/95) — Same as #1318
1415. Mary Perkins (1615–1700) — Same as #1319
1508. Anthony Stanyan (c1608–a1688) — Same as #1316
1509. Mary ----- — Same as #1317
1510. Thomas Bradbury (1610/11–1694/95) — Same as #1318
1511. Mary Perkins (1615–1700) — Same as #1319
1536. Robert Emerson (1561–1620)
1537. Susan Crabb (c1576–1626)
1540. Peter Bulkeley (1582/83–1658/59)
1541. Jane Allen (1587/88–1626)
1616. Thomas Emerson (1584–1666) — Same as #768
1617. Elizabeth Brewster (–p1666) — Same as #769
1618. Edward Bulkeley (1614–1695/96) — Same as #770
1619. Lucian ----- (–p1678/79) — Same as #771
1648. John Smith (c1622–1706)
1649. Catherine Morrill (c1627–1662)
1650. Elias Maverick (c1604–1684)
1651. Anna Harris (c1613–1697)
1652. Thomas Burnap (c1625–1690/91)
1653. Mary Pearson (1643–1690/91)
1654. Samuel Walton (1639–1717/18)
1655. Sarah Maverick (1640/41–1714)
12th Generation
2308. Edward Heath (c1525–1592/93)
2309. Alice ----- (–1593)
2310. Robert Cheney (c1520–c1567/1568)
2311. Joan Harrison (c1525–1597)
2336. Robert Foote (–c1608/1609)
2337. Joane Brooke
2338. ----- Deming
2346. John Hulins (c1565–p1638/39)
2347. Margaret ----- (–p1638/39)
2348. John Chapin (1566–1600)
2349. Phillipe Easton
2350. Henry Penney (–c1630)
2351. Jane -----
2360. John Dickinson (1564–1637)
2361. Elizabeth ----- (–1609)
2362. William Bincks (c1557–1616)
2363. Mary Baxter (–1607)
2364. Robert Foote (–c1608/1609) — Same as #2336
2365. Joane Brooke — Same as #2337
2366. ----- Deming — Same as #2338
2368. Guilbert de Lannoy (c1545–)
2369. Jeanne du Bus
2370. Jacques Mahieu
2371. Jeanne ----- (–p1604)
2378. Augustine Walker (–1614)
2382. Thomas Clark (–a1611)
2383. Jane Gates (–p1666)
2390. William Palmer (c1581–p1637)
2391. Frances -----
2398. Stephen Tracy (1596–p1654/55)
2399. Tryphosa Lee (c1597–a1655)
2600. William Hilton
2604. Thomas Dudley (1576–1653) — Same as #1308
2605. Dorothy York (–1643) — Same as #1309
2606. John Winthrop (1587/88–1649)
2607. Mary Forth (1583/84–1615)
2616. Roger Dudley (–a1589)
2617. Susanna Thorne (1559/60–p1589)
2618. Edmunde York (–c1615)
2619. Katharyne ----- (–c1633)
2636. Wymond Bradbury (1574–1650)
2637. Elizabeth Whitgift (c1574–1612)
2638. John Perkins (1583–c1654)
2639. Judith Gater (1588/89–p1654)
2692. Wymond Bradbury (1574–1650) — Same as #2636
2693. Elizabeth Whitgift (c1574–1612) — Same as #2637
2694. John Perkins (1583–c1654) — Same as #2638
2695. Judith Gater (1588/89–p1654) — Same as #2639
2752. Stephen Bachiler (c1561–1656)
2754. John Mercer
2755. Jeanne Leclerc
2828. Wymond Bradbury (1574–1650) — Same as #2636
2829. Elizabeth Whitgift (c1574–1612) — Same as #2637
2830. John Perkins (1583–c1654) — Same as #2638
2831. Judith Gater (1588/89–p1654) — Same as #2639
3020. Wymond Bradbury (1574–1650) — Same as #2636
3021. Elizabeth Whitgift (c1574–1612) — Same as #2637
3022. John Perkins (1583–c1654) — Same as #2638
3023. Judith Gater (1588/89–p1654) — Same as #2639
3072. Thomas Emerson (a1540–)
3080. Edward Bulkeley (c1540–1620/21)
3081. Olive Irby (c1547–1614/15)
3082. Thomas Allen
3083. Mary Faircloth
3232. Robert Emerson (1561–1620) — Same as #1536
3233. Susan Crabb (c1576–1626) — Same as #1537
3236. Peter Bulkeley (1582/83–1658/59) — Same as #1540
3237. Jane Allen (1587/88–1626) — Same as #1541
3296. Francis Smith (c1597–1649/50)
3297. Alice -----
3298. Isaac Morrill (c1588–1661)
3299. Sarah ----- (c1600–1672/73)
3300. John Maverick (1578–1635/36)
3301. Mary Gye (c1580–p1666)
3302. Thomas Harris (c1590–a1634)
3303. Elizabeth ----- (c1577/78–1669/70)
3304. Robert Burnap
3305. Ann Miller
3306. John Pearson (c1615–c1679)
3307. Maudlin ----- (c1619–p1679)
3308. William Walton (c1602–1668)
3309. Elizabeth Cooke (–1682)
3310. Elias Maverick (c1604–1684) — Same as #1650
3311. Anna Harris (c1613–1697) — Same as #1651
13th Generation
4620. Robert Cheney (c1490–p1542)
4622. John Harrison (c1500–c1551)
4623. Agnes -----
4672. Robert Foote
4674. John Brooke
4675. Elizabeth Whetman (–c1599)
4692. Henry Hulins (c1540–c1609)
4693. Joane ----- (–c1613)
4696. Roger Chapyn (–1590)
4720. Waters Dickinson (c1530–1591)
4721. Alice ----- (–1596)
4724. James Bincks (c1530–1566)
4725. Agnes Musson (c1532–1613/14)
4727. Mary ----- (–p1621)
4728. Robert Foote — Same as #4672
4730. John Brooke — Same as #4674
4731. Elizabeth Whetman (–c1599) — Same as #4675
4796. Stephen Tracy (1559–1630)
4797. Agnes Erdly (–1640)
5208. Roger Dudley (–a1589) — Same as #2616
5209. Susanna Thorne (1559/60–p1589) — Same as #2617
5210. Edmunde York (–c1615) — Same as #2618
5211. Katharyne ----- (–c1633) — Same as #2619
5212. Adam Winthrop III (1548–1623)
5213. Anne Browne (–1629)
5214. John Forth
5232. (probable) Henry Dudley (1517–c1570)
5233. (probable) ----- Ashton
5234. Thomas Thorne (–1588)
5235. Mary Purefoy (–p1588)
5236. Gilbert York
5237. Amye Bond
5272. William Bradbury (c1544–1622)
5273. Anne Eden (–1611/12)
5274. William Whitgift (c1535–1615)
5276. Henry Perkins
5277. Elizabeth Sawbridge
5278. Michael Gater
5279. Isabel Baylie
5384. William Bradbury (c1544–1622) — Same as #5272
5385. Anne Eden (–1611/12) — Same as #5273
5386. William Whitgift (c1535–1615) — Same as #5274
5388. Henry Perkins — Same as #5276
5389. Elizabeth Sawbridge — Same as #5277
5390. Michael Gater — Same as #5278
5391. Isabel Baylie — Same as #5279
5656. William Bradbury (c1544–1622) — Same as #5272
5657. Anne Eden (–1611/12) — Same as #5273
5658. William Whitgift (c1535–1615) — Same as #5274
5660. Henry Perkins — Same as #5276
5661. Elizabeth Sawbridge — Same as #5277
5662. Michael Gater — Same as #5278
5663. Isabel Baylie — Same as #5279
6040. William Bradbury (c1544–1622) — Same as #5272
6041. Anne Eden (–1611/12) — Same as #5273
6042. William Whitgift (c1535–1615) — Same as #5274
6044. Henry Perkins — Same as #5276
6045. Elizabeth Sawbridge — Same as #5277
6046. Michael Gater — Same as #5278
6047. Isabel Baylie — Same as #5279
6160. Thomas Bulkeley
6161. Elizabeth Grosvenor
6162. John Irby (–c1579)
6163. Rose Overton
6166. Thomas Faircloth
6167. Millicent Barr
6464. Thomas Emerson (a1540–) — Same as #3072
6472. Edward Bulkeley (c1540–1620/21) — Same as #3080
6473. Olive Irby (c1547–1614/15) — Same as #3081
6474. Thomas Allen — Same as #3082
6475. Mary Faircloth — Same as #3083
6596. ----- Morrill
6600. Peter Maverick (c1550–a1616/17)
6601. Dorothy Tucke
6602. Robert Gye (c1531–a1608)
6603. Grace Dowrish (–c1580)
6604. William Harris (–c1599)
6605. Agnes Mason (–p1599)
6618. William Cooke (–a1629)
6619. Martha White
6620. John Maverick (1578–1635/36) — Same as #3300
6621. Mary Gye (c1580–p1666) — Same as #3301
6622. Thomas Harris (c1590–a1634) — Same as #3302
6623. Elizabeth ----- (c1577/78–1669/70) — Same as #3303
14th Generation
9240. Robert Cheney (c1460–)
9440. ----- Dickinson
9450. Hugh Musson (c1500–1572)
9592. Christopher Tracy
9593. Margaret -----
10416. (probable) Henry Dudley (1517–c1570) — Same as #5232
10417. (probable) ----- Ashton — Same as #5233
10418. Thomas Thorne (–1588) — Same as #5234
10419. Mary Purefoy (–p1588) — Same as #5235
10420. Gilbert York — Same as #5236
10421. Amye Bond — Same as #5237
10424. Adam Winthrop Jr. (1498–c1562/1563)
10425. Agnes Sharpe (c1516–1565)
10426. Henry Browne (c1520–c1596)
10427. Agnes ----- (–1590)
10464. John Sutton (c1496–1553)
10465. Cecily Grey (–1554)
10468. William Thorne
10469. Alice Stutysbury
10470. Edward Purefoy (1494–1558)
10471. Anne Fettiplace (1496–1568)
10544. Matthew Bradbury
10545. Margaret Rowse
10546. Henry Eden
10547. Elizabeth Heigham
10548. Henry Whitgift (c1505–c1552)
10549. Anne Dynwell (c1515–p1550)
10552. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92)
10553. Alice -----
10768. Matthew Bradbury — Same as #10544
10769. Margaret Rowse — Same as #10545
10770. Henry Eden — Same as #10546
10771. Elizabeth Heigham — Same as #10547
10772. Henry Whitgift (c1505–c1552) — Same as #10548
10773. Anne Dynwell (c1515–p1550) — Same as #10549
10776. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92) — Same as #10552
10777. Alice ----- — Same as #10553
11312. Matthew Bradbury — Same as #10544
11313. Margaret Rowse — Same as #10545
11314. Henry Eden — Same as #10546
11315. Elizabeth Heigham — Same as #10547
11316. Henry Whitgift (c1505–c1552) — Same as #10548
11317. Anne Dynwell (c1515–p1550) — Same as #10549
11320. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92) — Same as #10552
11321. Alice ----- — Same as #10553
12080. Matthew Bradbury — Same as #10544
12081. Margaret Rowse — Same as #10545
12082. Henry Eden — Same as #10546
12083. Elizabeth Heigham — Same as #10547
12084. Henry Whitgift (c1505–c1552) — Same as #10548
12085. Anne Dynwell (c1515–p1550) — Same as #10549
12088. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92) — Same as #10552
12089. Alice ----- — Same as #10553
12322. Randall Grosvenor
12323. Anne Charlton
12326. Cutler Overton
12332. Lawrence Faircloth
12333. Elizabeth -----
12944. Thomas Bulkeley — Same as #6160
12945. Elizabeth Grosvenor — Same as #6161
12946. John Irby (–c1579) — Same as #6162
12947. Rose Overton — Same as #6163
12950. Thomas Faircloth — Same as #6166
12951. Millicent Barr — Same as #6167
13200. Robert Maverick (–1573)
13204. John Gye (–1536)
13205. Mary Prowse (c1500–)
13206. Thomas Dowrish (c1532–c1590)
13207. Ann Faringdon
13208. John Harris (c1513–c1554)
13209. Annis ----- (–c1585/1586)
13210. Henry Mason
13238. John White (–a1618)
13239. Isabel Bawle
13240. Peter Maverick (c1550–a1616/17) — Same as #6600
13241. Dorothy Tucke — Same as #6601
13242. Robert Gye (c1531–a1608) — Same as #6602
13243. Grace Dowrish (–c1580) — Same as #6603
13244. William Harris (–c1599) — Same as #6604
13245. Agnes Mason (–p1599) — Same as #6605
15th Generation
20832. John Sutton (c1496–1553) — Same as #10464
20833. Cecily Grey (–1554) — Same as #10465
20836. William Thorne — Same as #10468
20837. Alice Stutysbury — Same as #10469
20838. Edward Purefoy (1494–1558) — Same as #10470
20839. Anne Fettiplace (1496–1568) — Same as #10471
20848. Adam Winthrop (–p1497)
20849. Joane Burton
20850. Robert Sharpe
20851. Elizabeth -----
20852. John Browne (–c1563)
20928. Edward Sutton (c1459–1531/32)
20929. Cecily Willoughby
20930. Thomas Grey (c1455–1501)
20931. Cecily Bonville (c1460–c1529)
20940. Nicholas Purefoy (c1473–1457)
20941. Alice Denton (–p1507)
20942. Richard Fettiplace
20943. Elizabeth Bessiles
21088. Robert Bradbury
21089. Joan Bendish
21094. Clement Heigham (–1570/71)
21095. Anne Munnings
21096. John Whitgift
21098. William Dynwell (c1485–1544)
21099. Katherine Fulnetby (c1490–1546)
21536. Robert Bradbury — Same as #21088
21537. Joan Bendish — Same as #21089
21542. Clement Heigham (–1570/71) — Same as #21094
21543. Anne Munnings — Same as #21095
21544. John Whitgift — Same as #21096
21546. William Dynwell (c1485–1544) — Same as #21098
21547. Katherine Fulnetby (c1490–1546) — Same as #21099
22624. Robert Bradbury — Same as #21088
22625. Joan Bendish — Same as #21089
22630. Clement Heigham (–1570/71) — Same as #21094
22631. Anne Munnings — Same as #21095
22632. John Whitgift — Same as #21096
22634. William Dynwell (c1485–1544) — Same as #21098
22635. Katherine Fulnetby (c1490–1546) — Same as #21099
24160. Robert Bradbury — Same as #21088
24161. Joan Bendish — Same as #21089
24166. Clement Heigham (–1570/71) — Same as #21094
24167. Anne Munnings — Same as #21095
24168. John Whitgift — Same as #21096
24170. William Dynwell (c1485–1544) — Same as #21098
24171. Katherine Fulnetby (c1490–1546) — Same as #21099
24644. Randall Grosvenor
24645. Margaret Mainwaring
24646. Richard Charlton (–1522)
24647. Elizabeth (Anne) Mainwaring
24664. Ralph Faircloth
24665. Grace Standish
25890. Randall Grosvenor — Same as #12322
25891. Anne Charlton — Same as #12323
25894. Cutler Overton — Same as #12326
25900. Lawrence Faircloth — Same as #12332
25901. Elizabeth ----- — Same as #12333
26410. Thomas Prowse
26411. Jane Bayntun
26414. Charles Faringdon
26478. John Bawle
26480. Robert Maverick (–1573) — Same as #13200
26484. John Gye (–1536) — Same as #13204
26485. Mary Prowse (c1500–) — Same as #13205
26486. Thomas Dowrish (c1532–c1590) — Same as #13206
26487. Ann Faringdon — Same as #13207
26488. John Harris (c1513–c1554) — Same as #13208
26489. Annis ----- (–c1585/1586) — Same as #13209
26490. Henry Mason — Same as #13210
16th Generation
41664. Edward Sutton (c1459–1531/32) — Same as #20928
41665. Cecily Willoughby — Same as #20929
41666. Thomas Grey (c1455–1501) — Same as #20930
41667. Cecily Bonville (c1460–c1529) — Same as #20931
41676. Nicholas Purefoy (c1473–1457) — Same as #20940
41677. Alice Denton (–p1507) — Same as #20941
41678. Richard Fettiplace — Same as #20942
41679. Elizabeth Bessiles — Same as #20943
41700. William Sharpe (–c1525)
41856. Edmund Sutton (c1425–c1487)
41857. Joyce Tiptoft (p1425–c1470)
41858. William Willoughby
41859. Joan Strangeways
41860. John Grey (c1432–1461)
41861. Elizabeth Woodville (c1437–1492)
41862. William Bonville (c1442–1460)
41863. Katherine Neville (c1442–c1504)
41880. John Purefoy
41882. John Denton (–c1497)
41883. Isabel Brome (–c1540)
41886. William Bessiles
41887. Alice Harcourt
42176. William Bradbury
42177. Margaret Rookhill
42188. Clement Heigham (–1500)
42189. Matilda Cooke
42190. John Munnings
42191. Margaret Woodward
42198. John Fulnetby (c1455–c1528)
42199. Jane Dymoke (c1467–)
43072. William Bradbury — Same as #42176
43073. Margaret Rookhill — Same as #42177
43084. Clement Heigham (–1500) — Same as #42188
43085. Matilda Cooke — Same as #42189
43086. John Munnings — Same as #42190
43087. Margaret Woodward — Same as #42191
43094. John Fulnetby (c1455–c1528) — Same as #42198
43095. Jane Dymoke (c1467–) — Same as #42199
45248. William Bradbury — Same as #42176
45249. Margaret Rookhill — Same as #42177
45260. Clement Heigham (–1500) — Same as #42188
45261. Matilda Cooke — Same as #42189
45262. John Munnings — Same as #42190
45263. Margaret Woodward — Same as #42191
45270. John Fulnetby (c1455–c1528) — Same as #42198
45271. Jane Dymoke (c1467–) — Same as #42199
48320. William Bradbury — Same as #42176
48321. Margaret Rookhill — Same as #42177
48332. Clement Heigham (–1500) — Same as #42188
48333. Matilda Cooke — Same as #42189
48334. John Munnings — Same as #42190
48335. Margaret Woodward — Same as #42191
48342. John Fulnetby (c1455–c1528) — Same as #42198
48343. Jane Dymoke (c1467–) — Same as #42199
49290. Randall Mainwaring
49291. Margaret Savage
49292. Robert Charlton (a1430–p1472)
49293. Mary Corbet
49294. William Mainwaring
49295. Margaret Warren
49330. Oliver Standish
51780. Randall Grosvenor — Same as #24644
51781. Margaret Mainwaring — Same as #24645
51782. Richard Charlton (–1522) — Same as #24646
51783. Elizabeth (Anne) Mainwaring — Same as #24647
51800. Ralph Faircloth — Same as #24664
51801. Grace Standish — Same as #24665
52822. Henry Bayntun
52970. Thomas Prowse — Same as #26410
52971. Jane Bayntun — Same as #26411
52974. Charles Faringdon — Same as #26414
This ahnentafel chart for Alan Shepard is currently limited to 16 generations
Pedigree charts and family group charts are not limited and will allow you to go beyond 16 generations.