Ancestry of
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine
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1st Generation
1. Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866–1945)
2nd Generation
3. Ellen Key Howard (1840–)
3rd Generation
6. Charles Howard (1802–1869)
7. Elizabeth Phoebe Key (1803–1897)
4th Generation
9. Anne Cameron
12. John Eager Howard (1752–1827)
13. Margaret "Peggy" Chew (1760–1824)
14. Francis Scott Key (1780–1843)
15. Mary Tayloe Lloyd (1781–1859)
5th Generation
16. Gideon Rufus Morgan (1751–1830)
17. Patience Cogswell (c1754–1796)
24. Cornelius Howard
25. Ruth Eager
26. Benjamin Chew (1722–1810)
27. Elizabeth Oswald (c1732–c1819)
28. John Ross Key (1754–1821)
29. Anne Phebe Penn Dagworthy Charlton (1756–1830)
30. Edward Lloyd (1744–1796)
31. Elizabeth Tayloe (1750–1825)
6th Generation
32. Gideon Morgan (1724–1752)
33. Rachel Kibbe (c1730–)
34. Emerson Cogswell (1732–)
35. Mary Miles (c1733–)
48. Joshua Howard (–c1738)
49. Joanna O'Carroll (–c1763)
50. John Eager
51. Jemima Murray
52. Samuel Chew (1693–1743)
53. Mary Galloway (c1697–c1734)
54. James Oswald
56. Frances Key (c1731–1770)
57. Ann Arnold Ross (1727–1811)
58. Arthur Charlton (–c1771)
59. Eleanor Harrison
60. Edward Lloyd (1711–1770)
61. Anne Rousby (c1721–1769)
62. John Tayloe (1721–1779)
63. Rebecca Plater (1731–1787)
7th Generation
64. Jonathan Morgan Jr. (c1686–1766)
65. Hannah Smith
66. Isaac Kibbe (c1683–1766)
67. Dorothy Smith (c1696–1781)
68. Edward Cogswell (c1686–1773)
69. Hannah Brown (c1691–1771)
70. Joseph Miles (c1703–1762)
71. Deborah Ferris (c1700–1758)
100. George Eager
104. Benjamin Chew (1670/71–1699/1700)
105. Elizabeth Benson (c1677–)
106. Samuel Galloway (–1720/21)
107. Anne Webb (–1723)
112. Philip Key (1696–1764)
113. Susannah Gardiner
114. John Ross (1696–1766)
115. Alicia Arnold (1700–1746)
116. Thomas Charlton (–c1743)
117. Alice ----- (–c1761)
120. Edward Lloyd (1670–c1718/1719)
121. Sarah Covington (c1683–1755)
122. John Rousby (–c1744)
123. Anne Burford
124. John Tayloe (1687–c1747)
125. Elizabeth Gwynn (1692–1761)
126. George Plater Jr. (c1695–1755)
127. Rebecca Addison (1703–c1749)
8th Generation
128. Jonathan Morgan (c1646–1714)
129. Sarah Cooley (c1654–1743)
132. Elisha Kibbe (c1644–1735)
133. Rachel Cook (1645–1740)
134. Ebenezer Smith (c1668–1728)
135. Sarah Huxley (c1675–)
136. William Cogswell Jr. (c1659–1708)
137. Martha Emerson (c1662–)
138. Nathaniel Brown (c1652–1717)
139. Judith Perkins (1655–p1743)
140. Stephen Miles (1674–1713)
141. Mary Holbrook (c1679–)
142. Zechariah Ferris Jr. (c1674–c1750)
143. Sarah Read (–c1752)
208. Samuel Chew (c1630–1676/77)
209. Ann Ayres (–1695)
210. John Benson
211. Elizabeth Smith (–c1725)
212. Richard Galloway
214. Borrington Webb
224. Richard Key
225. Mary -----
226. John Gardiner (–c1717)
227. Susannah Barton
230. Michael Arnold Jr. (c1675–1735)
231. Anne Knipe (c1676–1703)
232. Edward Charlton
233. Judith ----- (–1719)
240. Philemon Lloyd (c1646–1685)
241. Henrietta Maria Neale (1647–1697)
242. Nehemiah Covington (–c1713)
243. Rebecca Denwood
244. John Rousby (–c1685)
245. Barbara Morgan
246. Thomas Burford
247. Anne -----
248. William Tayloe (–a1710)
249. Ann Corbin (1664–c1694)
250. David Gwyn (–c1704)
251. Catherine Griffin (–c1728)
252. George Plater (c1663–a1707)
253. Anne Burford — Same as #123
254. Thomas Addison (c1679–1727)
255. Elizabeth Tasker (c1686–1706)
9th Generation
256. Miles Morgan (c1615–1699)
257. Prudence ----- (–1660)
264. Edward Kibbe (c1611–1694)
265. Mary Partridge (c1618–)
266. Henry Cook (c1614–1661)
267. Judith Birdsall (c1618–1689)
268. Samuel Smith (1638/39–1703)
269. Mary Ensign (c1641–c1723)
270. Thomas Huxley (c1640–1721)
271. Sarah Spencer (c1646–1712)
272. William Cogswell (1618/19–1700)
273. Susanna Hawkes (c1633–a1696)
274. John Emerson (1625–1700)
275. Ruth Symonds (–1702)
276. John Brown (–1677)
277. Mary ----- (–p1679)
278. Jacob Perkins (1624–1699)
279. Elizabeth Whipple (c1629–1685/86)
280. Samuel Miles (1640–1678)
281. Hannah Wilmot (1648–)
282. Isaac Holbrook (c1650–)
283. Mary Welch (c1655–1703)
284. Zechariah Ferris (c1640–1711)
285. Sarah Blood
286. William Read (–1697)
287. Deborah Baldwin (c1652–)
416. John Chew (c1590–c1652)
417. Sarah ----- (–a1651)
418. William Ayres (–a1663)
419. Sarah ----- (–a1653)
460. Michael Arnold
462. Thomas Knipe (c1639–1711)
463. Anne Wolseley (c1645–1686)
480. Edward Lloyd (–c1696)
481. Alice Crouch
482. James Neale (–c1684)
483. Anna Maria Gill
484. Nehemiah Covington (–c1681)
485. Mary -----
486. Levin Denwood (c1602–p1663)
487. Mary -----
490. Henry Morgan (c1614–)
491. Frances ----- (c1625–)
498. Henry Corbin (c1629–c1675/1676)
499. Alice Eltonhead (–c1684)
506. Thomas Burford — Same as #246
507. Anne ----- — Same as #247
508. John Addison (–c1706)
510. Thomas Tasker (–c1700)
511. ----- Brooke (–c1695)
10th Generation
512. William Morgan (c1571–)
534. Henry Birdsall (c1585–a1651)
535. Agnes Kempe
536. Henry Smith (c1600–c1648)
537. Dorothy ----- (c1603–c1694)
538. James Ensign (1606–c1670)
539. Sarah ----- (–c1676)
542. Thomas Spencer (1607–1687)
543. Sarah Bearding
544. John Cogswell (1592–1669)
545. Elizabeth Thomson (–1676)
546. Adam Hawkes (1604/05–1671/72)
547. Ann ----- (c1595–1669)
548. Thomas Emerson (1584–1666)
549. Elizabeth Brewster (–p1666)
550. Samuel Symonds (1595–c1678)
551. Martha Reade (–c1662)
556. John Perkins (1583–c1654)
557. Judith Gater (1588/89–p1654)
558. Matthew Whipple (c1590–1647)
559. Anna Hawkins (–c1643)
560. Richard Miles Jr. (1598–c1667)
562. Benjamin Wilmot Jr. (–1651)
563. Elizabeth Tenney (1610–1685)
924. Thomas Knipe
926. Devereux Wolseley (1617–c1648)
927. Elizabeth Zouche (–p1663)
964. Raphael Neale
965. Jane Baker
966. Benjamin Gill (–1655)
967. Mary Mainwaring
996. Thomas Corbin (1594–1637)
997. Winifred Grosvenor
998. Richard Eltonhead (1580/81–1664)
999. Anne Sutton (1590–1654)
1018. William Wilkinson (c1612–c1663)
1019. Mary -----
11th Generation
1076. Thomas Ensign (c1571–1631/32)
1077. Constance Pilcher (–1624/25)
1084. Gerard Spencer (1576–a1646)
1085. Alice Whitbread
1086. Nathaniel Bearding (–1674)
1088. Edward Cogswell (–c1615/1616)
1089. Alice ----- (–c1616)
1090. William Thomson (–c1623/1624)
1091. Phyllis ----- (–1608)
1092. John Hawkes
1096. Robert Emerson (1561–1620)
1097. Susan Crabb (c1576–1626)
1100. Richard Symonds (–1627)
1101. Elizabeth Plumb (1560–1610/11)
1102. Edmund Reade
1103. Elizabeth Cooke
1112. Henry Perkins
1113. Elizabeth Sawbridge
1114. Michael Gater
1115. Isabel Baylie
1116. Matthew Whipple (c1560–1618)
1117. Joan ----- (–1612)
1118. John Hawkins
1120. Richard Miles (c1570–1628)
1121. Alice Cherry (–1628)
1124. Benjamin Wilmot (c1589–1669)
1125. Ann ----- (–1668)
1126. John Tenney (1567–1644)
1127. Ursula Mumby (–1642)
1852. Thomas Wolseley (c1564–1630)
1853. Helen Brocton
1854. John Zouche (c1585–c1639)
1855. Isabel Lowe (1590–)
1928. John Neale
1929. Grace Butler
1934. Oliver Mainwaring
1935. Margaret Torbock
1992. George Corbin (–1636)
1993. Mary (Maria) Faunt
1994. Gawen Grosvenor
1995. Dorothy Pudsey
1996. William Eltonhead
1997. Anne Bowers
1998. Edward Sutton (–p1607)
1999. Anne Stanley (1561–p1635)
12th Generation
2154. David Pilcher (c1525–c1576)
2155. ----- Haye
2170. John Whitbread
2171. Eleanor -----
2176. Robert Cogswell (–1581)
2177. Alice Adlam (–1603)
2192. Thomas Emerson (a1540–)
2200. John Symonds (–c1574)
2201. Ann Benbow (–c1597)
2202. Robert Plumb (c1530–1613)
2203. Elizabeth Purcas (–1596)
2206. Thomas Cooke
2224. Thomas Perkins (c1525–1591/92)
2225. Alice -----
2252. Thomas Tenney (c1540–c1593)
2253. Margaret Wood (c1543–1598)
3706. Edward Brocton
3708. John Zouche
3709. Mary Berkeley
3710. Patrick Lowe (c1562–c1617)
3711. Jane Harpur
3856. Thomas Neale
3857. Goditha Throckmorton
3858. John Butler
3859. Anne Travers
3870. William Torbock
3871. Catherine Gerard
3984. Thomas Corbin (–1584)
3986. William Faunt
3988. Walter Grosvenor (–c1590)
3989. Joyce Fowke
3990. George Pudsey
3991. Matilda (Maud) Cotton
3992. Richard Eltonhead
3993. Jennet Gerard
3994. James Bowers
3998. Peter Stanley (c1510–c1598)
3999. Cecily Tarleton (–1568)
13th Generation
4308. Luke Pylcher (c1501–p1547)
4309. Alice ----- (–p1558/59)
4310. William Haye
4354. John Adlam (–1545)
4400. John Symonds
4401. Margaret Maynard
4402. Thomas Benbow
4404. John Plumb (Plume) (c1505–1586)
4405. Elizabeth -----
4504. Henry Tenney (c1510–a1558)
4505. Criane ----- (–p1558)
4506. Edward Wood (–c1551)
4507. Joan ----- (–p1550)
7418. Henry Berkeley (1534–1613)
7419. Catherine Howard
7420. Jasper Lowe (–c1583)
7421. Dorothy Sacheverell
7422. John Harpur
7423. Isabel Pierrepont
7714. Richard Throckmorton
7715. Jane Beaufoe
7716. John Butler
7717. Elizabeth Elliot
7740. Thomas Torbock
7741. Elizabeth Moore
7742. Thomas Gerard
7743. Jane Legh
7968. Richard Corbin
7976. John Grosvenor
7977. Rose Clayton
7978. Roger Fowke
7979. Margery Morton
7980. Robert Pudsey
7981. Eleanor Harman
7982. Humphrey Cotton
7986. Thomas Gerard
7987. Maud Bold
7996. William Stanley (c1474/75–p1528/29)
7997. Anne Harington (c1480–p1528)
7998. Richard Tarleton
14th Generation
8616. Thomas Pylcher (c1475–a1524)
8617. Elizabeth -----
8800. Thomas Symonds
8802. Thomas Maynard
14838. Henry Howard (c1517–1547)
14839. Frances de Vere (c1516–1577)
14840. Vincent Lowe (–c1557)
14841. Jane Cokayne
14842. William Sacheverell
14843. Mary Lowe
14846. George Pierrepont
14847. Winifred Thwaites
15428. Robert Throckmorton
15429. Catherine Marrow
15434. John ap Jenkin Elliot
15435. Sined (Jenet) Perrot
15480. William Torbock
15481. Margery Stanley
15484. Thomas Gerard
15485. Margery Trafford
15486. Peter Legh
15487. Margaret Tyldesley
15936. Nicholas Corbin
15937. Johanna Sturmie
15954. John Clayton
15955. Rose Bushbury
15956. John Fowke
15957. Anne Bradshaw
15958. Richard Morton
15959. Cecily Charlton
15960. William Pudsey
15961. Eleanor Montfort
15962. Henry Harman
15972. William Gerard
15973. Elizabeth Byron
15974. Henry Bold
15975. Dulcia Savage
15992. William Stanley (c1445–c1512)
15993. Agnes Grosvenor (–c1520/21)
15994. James Harington (c1447–1497)
15995. Isabel Radcliffe (–1497)
15th Generation
17600. John Symonds
29676. Thomas Howard (c1473–1554)
29677. Elizabeth Stafford (c1497–1558)
29680. Humphrey Lowe
29681. Margaret -----
29682. Thomas Cokayne (–c1537)
29683. Barbara FitzHerbert
29686. Clement Lowe
30856. Thomas Throckmorton
30857. Margaret Olney
30858. William Marrow
30868. Jenkin Elliot
30869. Sined (Jenet) Barrett
30962. John Stanley
30963. Elizabeth Weever
30970. Edmund Trafford
30971. Margaret Savage
30972. Peter Legh
30973. Ellen Savage
31872. John Corbin
31910. Richard Bushbury
31912. Roger Fowke
31913. Cassandra Humphreston
31914. John Bradshaw
31915. Isabel Kinnersley
31918. William Charlton
31919. Alicia Horde
31920. Rowland Pudsey
31921. Edith Hare
31950. John Savage
31951. Katherine Stanley
31984. William Stanley (c1425–1466)
31985. Alice Hoghton (–p1465/66)
31986. Robert Grosvenor
31987. Joan Fitton
31988. William Harington (–1487)
31989. Elizabeth Pilkington
31990. Alexander Radcliffe (c1401–1475)
31991. Agnes Harington (–c1490)
16th Generation
35200. Robert Symonds
59352. Thomas Howard (c1443–1524)
59353. Elizabeth Tilney (a1445–1497)
59354. Edward Stafford (1478–1521)
59355. Eleanor Percy (c1474–1530)
59364. Thomas Cokayne
59365. Agnes Barlow
61712. John Throckmorton (–c1445)
61713. Eleanor Spinney
61714. Robert Olney
61738. William Barrett
61739. Margred ferch Hugh Howel
61924. Thomas Stanley (c1405–1458/59)
61925. Joan Goushill (c1401–a1466)
61926. Thomas Weever
61942. John Savage — Same as #31950
61943. Katherine Stanley — Same as #31951
61946. John Savage — Same as #31950
61947. Katherine Stanley — Same as #31951
63744. Henry Corbin
63824. John Fowke
63825. Agnes Newman
63826. William Humphreston
63827. Elizabeth -----
63830. John Kinnersley
63831. Margaret Aston
63836. Richard Charlton (–1522)
63837. Elizabeth (Anne) Mainwaring
63840. Henry Pudsey (–c1518)
63841. Margaret Conyers
63842. John Hare
63902. Thomas Stanley (c1405–1458/59) — Same as #61924
63903. Joan Goushill (c1401–a1466) — Same as #61925
63968. William Stanley (c1405–p1456)
63969. Mary Savage
63970. Richard Hoghton
63974. Lawrence Fitton
63976. Richard Harington (–c1467)
63977. Elizabeth Bradshagh
63978. Edmund Pilkington
63979. Elizabeth Booth
63980. John Radcliffe
63981. Clemency Standish
63982. William Harington (–1439/40)
63983. Margaret de Neville (–a1387)
This ahnentafel chart for Thomas Hunt Morgan is currently limited to 16 generations
Pedigree charts and family group charts are not limited and will allow you to go beyond 16 generations.